Chopped CarboBasalt® fiber is a modern high-technology material which provides high strength and has a high-level resistance against alkali corrosion in cementitious matrixes, good mechanical properties and large thermal range of application. It is produced by cutting of continuous CarboBasalt® roving into sections of required equal length. It is used as a reinforcing additive in various organic and inorganic matrices to increase the strength of the composite material. Thanks to a patented special carbon coating of fibers CBG CarboBasalt® fibers has a high-level resistance against alkali corrosion in cementitious matrixes.
CarboBasalt fibers are produced from carbobasalt roving on special cutting machines.
Raw Material - Basalt and graphene
Application - Reinforcement
Description - chopped fibers from continuous carbobasalt roving
Color - black brown
Smell - without smell
Diameter of Monofilameneten - 17 microns
Chopping length - from 6 to 72 mm
Operating temperature - from -250 to + 1150 °C
Humidity - from 0.1 to 8.0%
*The presented pictures are only intended as a reference. Please consider that original products may deviate from the published pictures.